Loaves and Fishes
Every Fourth Monday, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Christian Life Center
302 N. Main Street, Prosperity, SC 29127
Loaves and Fishes serves as a ministry to reach out to the communities in the area around Wightman.
This ministry holds a monthly fellowship meal for folks who need to feel the love of God in a safe, secure setting. Volunteers from the congregation participate by preparing the meal, serving the meal, cleaning up after the meal, or transporting the guests.
Guests not only enjoy a delicious meal, but share in Christian fellowship.
Every Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.
Christian Life Center
302 N. Main Street, Prosperity, SC 29127
Senior Adults, but anyone can join!
Mission Movers, better known as M&Ms, is a low impact fitness program. The program is designed for senior adults, but all ages are invited!
Fitness levels include strength training, cardio workouts, and coordination. Come workout! You will receive support, prayers, motivation, encouragement, and new friendships that will last a lifetime!
Sisters on Standby (S.O.S.)
Every Third Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Old Fellowship Hall
302 N. Main Street, Prosperity, SC 29127
All women of the church!
Sisters on Standby is a group for women who want to walk with Christ together, across the generations, offering each other support and Christian wisdom. Come enjoy laughs, good food, and fellowship!
Methodist Men
Every Third Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Christian Life Center
302 N. Main Street, Prosperity, SC 29127
All men of the church!
The Methodist Men is open to all men of the church. A meal is served at each meeting and an informative program of interest to the group is presented. Come enjoy good food and fellowship!
JOY Group
To be Announced
Christian Life Center
302 N. Main Street, Prosperity, SC 29127
All seniors of the church!
The JOY (Just Old Youth) Group is composed of seniors who meet for fun and fellowship. Upcoming meetings will be announced in the monthly newsletter and weekly bulletins.
Other Ministry Groups
Youth Ministry
6th - 12th Grade
Youth meet Sunday afternoons at the Lighthouse for fun, food, fellowship, and devotion. They also meet during the Sunday School hour on Sunday mornings. The Lighthouse is located behind the Prosperity Fire Department.
Music Ministry
Open to all ages
Traditional Music (Choir) practices each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Contemporary Music practices each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the Christian Life Center. Vocalists and musicians are needed for each team!
Children's Ministry
Ages 3 - 5th Grade
Children receive instruction each week in Children's Church during each service and during the Sunday School. Special events are planned throughout the year! Volunteers are needed!